Little Miracles Do Count.

I’m an evening person when it comes to exercising. Well, truthfully I’m a “I don’t give two hoots” person when it comes to exercising but I’m changing my ways so yeah, evening. This is because I get super tired afterwards. I’m weird like that.

I hadn’t gone to the gym for four days because of my birthday (more like birthdays :D) and I knew I had to make church this evening so I decided to work out this morning instead. I would wake up early, beat traffic, work out and get ready for work, get to work super early, have a swell day and still make it to church! Talk about killing 50 birds with one stone. Sounded like a great plan to me.

Anyway, I woke up at 5:30am and Lord knows, all I wanted to really do was SLEEP. “Just 10 more minutes please”, I groaned. Meh. I rolled out of my bed grudgingly and picked up my “Jesus Calling” devotional. Today, Jesus was calling me to walk by faith and not by sight. But He said something else. He said “if you live too safely, you will never know the thrill of seeing Me work through you. When I gave you My Spirit, I empowered you to live beyond your natural ability and strength. That’s why it is so wrong to measure your energy level against the challenges ahead of you. The issue is not your strength but Mine, which is limitless”. What do you think I did after I heard that? Well, I take my bridegroom Jesus pretty seriously so I got dressed for the gym, packed my work clothes and toiletries into my gym bag, put all my stuff in my car and headed to the gym. Or so I thought.

I got to the gym, ready to take the bull by the horns. I stretched my hand to the back seat of my car. Lo and behold, no gym bag. Oh snap! Now my immediate reaction would have been to spit at the universe and all that concerns it, get mad, drive back home and just get ready for work. My thoughts were going haywire. “You should have just slept” “You just wasted fuel and time” “Your morning would just be a mess” “How could you be so forgetful?” “What were you thinking?” “Even after praying this morning, just look what’s happening”. But then, I keep telling Jesus I want to be more like Him everyday in everything I do… Why not now? Do I really want to be like Him or it’s just lip service? So I told my thoughts to BE STILL. I drove back home and while driving back, I just kept singing and praising God. I picked up my gym bag and headed back to the gym. Traffic had built up but I was undeterred. I got to the gym around 7am, stepped on the treadmill and plugged in my earphones. Listening to my Tye Tribbett & Hillsong Work out playlist and all the while chanting “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me”, I exceeded the 30 minutes I had initially planned to run for. I felt so pumped, I had to give myself a fist bump! Hehe.
On my way to work, I had a slight headache. I know my body so I knew it was hunger. I thought to myself “I wish Chicken Republic was on my way to work. I’m really craving chickwizz right now and I don’t want that sandwich from the office restaurant. *sigh. Ah well…”. I promise, it was just a thought. I got to the office, feeling all chirpy and the next thing my friend asked me was “Do you want Chickwizz?” I almost cried, Eureka! But she wouldn’t have understood at that point. So now I’m munching  on my Chickwizz and writing this post and I can tell you this is undoubtedly the best Chickwizz I’ve ever had *wide grin*.
Philippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
God really does listen to even the most minute things you tell Him. Work on speaking to Him often.
He cares, He hears, He listens. He’s Jireh – He provides. 
Have a blessed super-charged day! xxox