Merry Christmas!


Have you ever asked yourself “who is Jesus?”
No, I mean. Forget what you’ve been told. We know He’s the Son of God. He is God the Son. The Messiah. The Way, The Truth and The Life.
But do YOU really know who He is?
For yourself?
Have you studied His person? Him in man form. From His birth and the circumstances surrounding it to His teenage years and then to His adulthood? Who and how He was when He walked this earth? Every triumph, trial, tribulation and temptation He went through? The power and grace He carried. The Confidence like no other. The Wisdom that just flowed so naturally. His behavior. His countenance… His attitude towards various situations.

Jesus was never worried about anything. He was always calm. He took pain and rejection without argument. He excelled in all He did. Top-notch guy. What we call “Boss”. He had Charisma that was second to none. He dominated wherever He went. No one could deny His light; some couldn’t stand it but they still couldn’t deny it. It was and still is the brightest ever seen in the whole of mankind. He was compassionate. Kind. Towards everyone.

And today, some 2000+ years ago, God gave this sweet baby that would grow up to become the Lion of The Tribe of Judah, this huge bundle of love wrapped in cells, tissues and ectoplasm to us.
I have this Jesus in me.
YOU have this Jesus in you!

As I ponder and reflect on 2014, my only conclusion is that – 2015 cannot waste away. I have to give it my all. I want to be more like Him. With regards to my relationships, my daily interactions, my future, my territory and my purpose. Every single thing. So squeezed out of myself and drenched in all of His amazing-ness. You have to give Him your very best. Give God your very best; give Him something to work with – Your heart. All of it and not some it. Just. Trust. Him 🙂

May the birth of Jesus mark the rebirth of ALL your dreams and take you to new levels & dimensions in 2015.

Merry Christmas! Mwah!